Tayyab Arshad & Co

A Chartered Accountancy firm

Tayyab Arshad & Co is a Pakistan-based independent firm of Chartered Accountants, dedicated to providing a comprehensive range of accountancy, tax, sustainability and business advisory services. As your trusted financial partner, our mission is to help you unlock your full financial potential.

We provide wide range of accounting services

TA & CA is one of the major sustainability, assurance, and advisory organizations.

Focused capabilities across disciplines

Our clients experience world-class service in particularity.

Unparalleled partner-

Deep industry knowledge and participation.

We are one of the major external assurance, Tax Advisory, Corporate  and sustainability service  providers in Pakistan and Gulf region. 

Our strong geographical presence and well-connected network firms with relevant Subject Matter Experts make TA & CA an effective Sustainability partner.

Our Brand Promise

Anticipating client needs and being forthright in our views to ensure the best outcome for them

Agreeing to and meeting our commitments: we deliver what we promise, every day, for every client

  Being clear, open & swift in our communication

Agreeing to and meeting our commitments: we deliver what we promise, every day, for every client

Creating value through giving clients up-to-date ideas and valuable insight and advice that they can trust

Our organization has strong national roots and our firms are experts in the local market

We offer sensible, actionable advice  grounded in local knowledge and backed by  regional and local experience

TA & CA has a track record in supporting the  international expansion of our clients

Our Value Proposition

We have experienced team to support you by  identifying and understanding key value drivers, risks,  and opportunities that matter most. Our approach goes  beyond accounting and incorporates a detailed  assessment of assets and processes related thereto. We seek to deliver results that allow for decisions to be  made based on fact while identifying actionable  insights.

The senior members of the engagement team  will ensure we deliver on our commitments,  building our relationship and advising you.  We will plan our work and the timeline with  you, communicate with you regularly, and  deliver well within deadlines.

Active involvement of the Partner/Senior  Director and team getting to know you, your  plans etc., and we will seek active feedback on  our work.

We take client service and satisfaction very  seriously, adopting a ‘no surprises approach’ to  meeting our clients’ expectations and needs.  Our deliverables are issues based and provide  key insights and analyses that are supported by  real-life deal experience and robust deal  analytic tools.

Provide value for money. We have priced our  work fairly.

Key Clients of Our Core Team